The Metal for a Gable Roof calculator estimates the materials needed for a metal roof for a simple gabled roof based on the roof dimensions.

INSTRUCTIONS: Choose units and enter the following:
- (L) Ridge Length (including overhang)
- (S) Roof Span
- (P) Roof Pitch
- (oH) Overhang
- (PW) Panel Width
Metal for a Roof (RM): The calculator returns the number and length of panels. If "DETAILS" are chosen, the calculator returns the following:
- Ridge Cap: length of the ridge cap.
- Gable Trim: total length of gable trim, equals four times a gable length
- Metal Panels: number and length of metal panels for the roof.
- Metal Screws: number of screws needed to attach panels to roof.
- Snow Guard: total length of snow guard, equals twice the ridge length.
- Angle Trim: total length of angle trim (used as facia).
- Purlins: number and length of rows of purlins for the roof
- Area: area of the roof in square feet.

The Math / Science
The Metal for a Roof calculator is meant to help with material estimates for a metal roof. In all cases, confirm your estimates with a professional estimate and adhering to local building codes.
The calculator uses the ridge length, pitch and roof span to compute the roof area. The most common width of both G-Rib and R-Rib metal panels is 36". This is the default in this calculator. Note: under the ridge cap, you will need foam closure which keeps rain from being driven up under the ridge cap. The length of the foam closure that you'll need is four times the ridge length, two for either side of the ridge, and two for the bottoms above the angle trim.
A spacing of twenty four inches (24") between rows of purlins is used to compute the number and length of purlins. To compute the length and number of purlins using a different spacing, use the Purlins for a Roof Calculator (CLICK HERE).
Functions for roofing and siding using metal panels and trim to compute the number of metal panels, trim and screws for various shaped roofs and walls based on the dimensions of the building.
- Metal for Gable Roof: This estimates the materials needed for a simple gabled metal roof based on the roof dimensions.
- Metal Siding for Gable End Wall: This estimates the vertical metal siding panels for a wall under a gable end based on the dimensions.
- Metal Siding for Gable End Wall with Door: This estimates the metal siding materials for a wall under a gable end with a door based on the dimensions.
- Metal Siding for Wall: This estimates the metal siding materials for a rectangular wall based on the dimensions.
- Metal for Dormer Roof: This estimates the metal panel and trim materials for one or more roof dormers based on dimensions.
- Metal for Gambrel Roof: This estimate the length and number of metal panels needed for a gambrel roof based on dimensions.

- Metal Panels for Gambrel Wall: This computes the number of vertical siding panels, their lengths and the total length of vertical panels on a wall under a gambrel roof. It also includes the total square feet and the number of metal screws needed at 0.75 screws per square foot.
- Metal for Hip Roof: This estimates the metal roof materials for a hip roof based on dimensions.
- Metal for a Pyramid Roof: This estimates the metal roof materials for a pyramid hip roof based on dimensions
- Metal for a Shed Roof: This estimates the total number of metal panels and lengths of trim needed to cover a single sloped roof based on dimensions..
- Metal for Shed (Roof and Walls): This estimates the total number and length of metal panels for the roof and walls based on the ridge length of the roof, the front and back heights, the width of the shed roof building and the front and back overhangs. See simple ag run-in below.
- Pole Barn Materials
: This uses an estimated the linear feet of metal panels needed for a pole barn with a door way, and provides an estimated cost for the metal panels for the roof and siding based on a the dimension and cost per linear foot of panels.
- Pole Barn Metal Roof and Siding Cost: This uses an estimated the linear feet of metal panels needed for a pole barn with a door way, and provides an estimated cost for the metal panels for the roof and siding based on a the dimension and cost per linear foot of panels.
- Screws for Metal Gable Roof: This estimates the number of metal panel screws needed for a gable roof based on roof dimensions.>
- Screws for Metal Siding on a Gable End: This computes the number of metal panel screws needed for metal siding for a wall under a gable roof end based on the dimensions.
- Screws for Metal Siding on a Gable End with Door: This computes the number of metal panel screws needed for metal siding on a wall under a gable roof with a doorway based on the dimensions.
- Screws for Gambrel Metal Roof:
This computes the number of screws to attach metal panels needed for a gambrel roof based on the dimensions.
- Screws for Metal Siding Wall: This computes the number of metal panel screws for metal siding on a rectangular wall based on the dimensions.
- Corrugated Metal Paint or Coating Volume: This estimates the volume of paint or other coating (e.g., spray insulation) is needed for a corrugated surface.
Materials for roofs
, walls and dormers include panels (number and length), panel cut angle, the number of required metal panel screws, lengths of ridge cap, gable trim, angle trim, snow guard, purlins (number and length), surface area and ridge and valley lengths where appropriate.
Ag Panel Pricing
There are several price points for metal roofing and siding, but the common Agriculture Panel (Ag Panel) is widely used and often the most economical. Ag Panel metal has reached the point where it is less expensive as a roofing material than common asphalt shingle. For this reason, Ag Panel pricing is provided from a survey for convenience.
The C-Lok, Ag Panel, G-Rib price survey includes the following for the most recent pricing surveyed:
NOTICE: Before risking health or wealth on calculator results, confirm calculator estimates with a professional sources and ALWAYS ADHERE to LOCAL BUILDING CODES.
- Gable Roof Area: This computes the surface area of a gable roof based on dimensions and pitch.
- Trusses Needed for Roof: This computes the number trusses need for a roof including gabled roof.

- 4x8 Sheathing for Gable Roof: This computes the total surface area of a roof, the number of 4x8s and framing nails needed for a gabled roof based on the length, span, pitch and overhang.
- Gable Roof Sheathing Cost: This computes the number of 4x8 sheets (32 ft² each) needed to cover a gabled roof based on the ridge length, roof span, overhang and the pitch and applies the unit cost of a 4x8.

- Nails for Gable Roof Sheathing: This computes the approximate number of nails needed to nail 4x8 sheets to trusses or rafters on a roof based on the dimensions of the roof, spacing of nails on the edges and field of the 4x8, and whether blocking or clips are use.
- Purlins for Gable Roof: This computes the total number and length of purlins for a simple gable roof based on the ridge length of the roof, the roof pitch and the span of the roof.
- Metal for Gable Roof: This estimates the metal panels and trim needed for a metal roof for a simple gabled roof based on the roof dimensions.

- Metal Screws for Gable Roof: This computes the number of special screws needed for a metal roof.
- Shingles for Gable Roof: This computes the number of shingles (bundles), underlayment, ridge shingles, starter strip, and roofing nails for a gable roof.
- Gable Roof Shingle Cost: This estimates to shingle a basic gable roof based on dimensions (length, span, pitch and overhang) and the unit price of a bundle of shingles.

- Underlayment for Gable Roof: This estimates the cost of underlayment to cover a basic gable roof based on the area of a roof computed from the dimensions (length, span, pitch and overhang) and the unit price underlayment material.
- Roofing Nails for Gable Roof: This estimates the number of roofing nails needed for a common gabled roof based on roof dimensions and wind conditions.
- Rafters for Gable Roof: This computes the total number of rafter boards (roof joists) for a gabled roof based on the ridge length, pitch and span. It also returns the length of the ridge board, and the length and number of rafter ties and collar ties.

- Rafter Length: This computes the length of the rafters based on the span, pitch and overhang.
- Gable Roof Geometries: This computes the length of rafters, pitch and cut angles, soffit and facia base widths of a gable roof.
- Weight of Snow on Roof: This computes the weight of snow on a gable roof based on roof dimensions, depth and type of snow.
Roof Types

Roofing Calculators
The Pole Barn Calculator contains functions to compute the construction materials for a pole barn with concrete piers, a slab, wood framing, roof trusses for a normal gabled roof and metal panels and trim for the roof and siding.
- Gable Roof Metal: This estimates the materials needed for a metal roof for a simple gabled roof based on the roof dimensions.

- Purlins for a Roof: This computes the total number and length of purlins for a simple gable roof based on the ridge length of the roof, the roof pitch and the span of the roof.
- Trusses Needed for Roof: This computes the number of trusses needed for a roof based on the ridge length and spacing.
- Metal Siding for Gable Ends: This computes the metal siding materials (vertical panels) for a wall under a gable roof end based on the dimensions.
- Metal Siding for Gable End with Door: This computes the metal siding materials for a wall under a gable roof end based on the dimensions.
- Girts for a Building: This computes the number of rows of girts and their lengths for a building.
- Wall Beams for a Building: This computes the lengths beams for the outer wall of a building.
- Posts for a Building: This computes the number of vertical posts for a building based on dimensions and spacing.
- Rebar and Concrete in a Slab: This computes the total length and weight of rebar and the volume of concrete needed for a slab.
- Piers for a Building: This computes the number of piers for a building and the amount of concrete needed.
- Pole Barn Materials: This computes the top to bottom framing and roofing materials needed for a pole barn (see picture) based on a few dimension.
- Pole Barn Metal Roof and Siding Cost: This uses an estimated the linear feet of metal panels needed for a pole barn with a door way, and provides an estimated cost for the metal panels for the roof and siding based on a the dimension and cost per linear foot of panels.
- Corrugated Metal Paint or Coating Volume: This estimates the volume of paint or other coating (e.g., spray insulation) is needed for a corrugated surface.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Confirm all calculations with authoritative sources such as architectural drawings before risking health or wealth on the results of any calculator, and ALWAYS adhere to government approved building codes.