The US Dollar per Gallon to Canadian Dollar per Liter calculator computes the price of gas (petrol) in Canadian dollars per liter based on the price per gallon in U.S. Dollars. $1.534 per Liter in Montreal
INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the following:
Canadian Dollars per Liter (CDL):The calculator returns the price per liter in Canadian dollars. It uses the gallon to liter conversion and the current exchange rate.
Are you used to seeing your gasoline prices in Canadian dollars per liter, but now you're in the States? You have two things to consider. In the States, they sell their gasoline (petrol) by the gallon and in U.S. Dollars. To make the conversion, you have to know how many liters are in a gallons, and the current exchange rate. This calculator does that for you. It provides the Canadian dollar per liter equivalent for U.S. dollar per gallon.
The formula to convert U.S. Dollars per Gallon to Canadian Dollars per Liter is:
`CDL = DPG * (1.0 " U.S. Gallons")/(3.7854 " Liters") * ( "$ 1.35 CAD")/($1.0 " USD")`
Note: the currency exchange rate between the Canadian and U.S. dollars are updated every five minutes.
These are useful conversion tools used for trade between the US and Canada
Useful conversions
Note: conversions between metric and imperial units are constant, but the currency exchange rate between the Canadian dollar (CAD) and the US dollar (USD) is updated every two minutes.