The Volume of Capsule Tank calculator computes the volume of a capsule shaped container, Capsule Shaped Tank also known as a spherocylinder based on the dimensions of the tank. See diagram.
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose units and enter the following:
Capsule Tank Volume (V): The calculator returns the volume in gallons. However this can be automatically converted to other volume unite (e.g. liters, cubic meters) via the pull-down menu.
Capsule Shaped
Box Container
Spherical Tank
Geometrically, a capsule is a central cylinder with hemispheres (half spheres) on each end. The volume is simply the sum of the volume of the central cylinder and the complete sphere. Both ends added create a complete sphere.
For similar calculations with other shaped containers, click on the following:
The Mean Density of many substances (metals, mineral, chemicals, gases, woods, agricultural products, liquids and types of earths) can be looked up by CLICKING HERE.
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