The Plate Board Count for a Room calculator computes the number of top and bottom plate boards required for a room based on the length of the four walls and whether the top plate is doubled or single. Note: top plates are often doubled for load bearing walls. The user can choose from a list of standard board lengths with a default
of 10 feet.
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose units and enter the following:
- (L) Length of Room
- (W) Width of Room
- (bL) Length of lumber used for plate boards
- (TP) Single or Double Top Plates (doubled for strength).
Plate Boards (nP): The Plate Boards required are computed and their number returned.
The Math / Science
The plate boards are on top and bottom of a stud wall. Typically, the top plate is doubled to carry load between studs. However, in non-load bearing applications, a single top plate is sometimes used.
To compute a cost estimate for plate boards in a room, CLICK HERE.
- Studs for a Wall: Computes the number of studs (e.g., 2x4s)
needed to build a wall based on the length of the wall and spacing.
- Stud Cost for a Wall: Computes the cost of studs in a wall based on the number of studs needed to frame a wall and the unit price of a stud.
- Blocking for a Wall: Compute the number and length of blocking boards.
- Studs for a Room: Computes the number of stud boards required to frame a room based on the length of the four walls. Note: the stud count includes the extra studs at the corners where the walls meet.
- Stud Cost for a Room: Computes the cost of stud boards required for a room based on the length of the four walls and and on the unit price of the boards.
- Plate Boards for Room: Computes the number of top and bottom plate boards required for a room based on the length of the four walls and whether the top plate is doubled or single.
- Plate Boards Cost for a Room: Computes the cost of plate boards required for a room based on the length of the four walls and whether the top plate is doubled or single and on the unit price of the boards.
- Room Framing Cost: Computes the cost of studs and plate boards required for a room based on the length of the four walls and and on the unit price of the boards used for studs and plates.