Current value (exchange rate) of $ 1.00 U.S. is ¥ 7.113 CNY Chinese Yuan Renminbi. This value is rounded to the nearest 1,000th.
Abbr. | Name | per USD | |
AUD | Australian Dollar | 1.524 AUD | |
BRL | Brazilian Real | 5.858 BRL | |
CAD | Canadian Dollar | 1.395 CAD | |
CHF | Swiss Franc | 0.87 CHF | |
CNY | Chinese Yuan | 7.113 CNY | |
EUR | Euro | 0.922 EUR | |
GBP | Great Britain Pound | 0.774 GBP | |
INR | Indian Rupee | 84.08 INR | |
JPY | Japanese Yen | 152.98 JPY | |
MXN | Mexican Peso | 20.267 MXN | |
RUB | Russian Ruble | 97.995 RUB | |
USD | U.S. Dollar | 1.00 | |
ZAR | South African Rand | 17.632 ZAR |
This data is derived hourly based on the current market data.
The following are conversions of currencies, weights, lengths and volumes used in the United States and China.
Exchange Rate | |
$1.00 USD = ¥ 7.113 CNY | |
$0.141 USD = ¥ 1.00 CNY |