The Great Britain Pounds per Kiloram from U.S. Dollars per Pound calculator computes the price of a product in Great Britain Pounds (GBP) per kilogram based on the entered price of U.S. Dollars per specified weight (e.g. 1 lb).
INSTRUCTIONS - Enter the following:
The calculator returns the equivalent as a price per kilogram (PPG) in Great Britain Pounds. It uses the pounds to kilogram conversion and the current exchange rate.
DESCRIPTION: You are accustomed to seeing prices in Pounds Sterling per kilogram, but now you're in America, and you have two things against you. In America, they sell many products by the ounce and in American Dollars. To make the conversion, you have to know how many grams are in an ounce, and the current exchange rate. Fortunately, this simple calculator does that for you, and you can enter the American price and have an idea of what it would cost at home.
Note: The default unit for the weight is pounds (lbs). However this can be changed via the pull-down menu to many other weight or mass units (e.g. troy ounces). The calculator will make the necessary unit conversions and still compute the correct GBP per kilogram.